Today in Buzzing: We talk regulation – could Brexit be a good thing? Q&A with David Allan, Spectrum Test Corner: Cricket burger Howdy everyone. How are you this week? This is the 6th edition of Buzzing and I feel that we’ve warmed up enough to talk about regulation (no, don’t go!). If your eyes are starting to glaze already, consider this: until 2018, insects as food weren’t covered by any EU regulation, for the very simple reason that no one had considered them food before.
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Could Brexit be a good thing for the insect…
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Today in Buzzing: We talk regulation – could Brexit be a good thing? Q&A with David Allan, Spectrum Test Corner: Cricket burger Howdy everyone. How are you this week? This is the 6th edition of Buzzing and I feel that we’ve warmed up enough to talk about regulation (no, don’t go!). If your eyes are starting to glaze already, consider this: until 2018, insects as food weren’t covered by any EU regulation, for the very simple reason that no one had considered them food before.