This is a great post, especially the section on farming just three species. Definitely agree with you that it feels reductive.
My husband works for the NRCS, part of the USDA, and I end up forwarding him most of your posts, including this one. Is the USDA involved in any insect research that you're aware of? (It would really surprise me if the answer was no, but then again, I am expecting the answer to be no.)
I'd love to try your cracker recipe but have no idea where to get crickets! Do you buy yours locally somewhere, or order them online, or catch them, or....?
Hello Sarah, I know that the USDA has been actively working with the industry on regulation, and that they have worked with entomologists at various universities, but I don't know the full extent of their research on the subject. (Note to self: find out!)
In the US, you can buy crickets online from a number of places: Entomo Farms in Canada is currently the largest cricket farm in North America; they ship to the US. Alternatively, try EXO Protein or Don Bugito. Bug appetit!
This is a great post, especially the section on farming just three species. Definitely agree with you that it feels reductive.
My husband works for the NRCS, part of the USDA, and I end up forwarding him most of your posts, including this one. Is the USDA involved in any insect research that you're aware of? (It would really surprise me if the answer was no, but then again, I am expecting the answer to be no.)
I'd love to try your cracker recipe but have no idea where to get crickets! Do you buy yours locally somewhere, or order them online, or catch them, or....?
Hello Sarah, I know that the USDA has been actively working with the industry on regulation, and that they have worked with entomologists at various universities, but I don't know the full extent of their research on the subject. (Note to self: find out!)
In the US, you can buy crickets online from a number of places: Entomo Farms in Canada is currently the largest cricket farm in North America; they ship to the US. Alternatively, try EXO Protein or Don Bugito. Bug appetit!
Bug appetit 🤣 Thank you!