Buzzing: A Holiday Read
Dear all,
Hello from a very sizzling Europe. I am in the south of France with my family and almost on holidays, hurray!
Before I take a little break however, here is one last newsletter, slightly shorter and lighter than usual.
My long read on the Bug Buffet in Montana, which I visited in March, has just been published in Hidden Compass and I wanted to share it with you.
It chronicles the work of Dr Florence Dunkel, the entomologist who started the Bug Buffet. Dunkel spent 40 years debunking the fact that insects are not food. An inveterate gourmet, she did it the only way she knew: by making delicious insect food at her annual Bug Buffet at Montana State University. Oh and she ruffled a few feathers too.
I wrote about Dunkel's long career, her dogged determination to smash ethnocentric dogmas and how the Bug Buffet became an unlikely treasured event in the heart of cattle country.
Hidden Compass use a patronage model for their journalism, so if you liked the piece, I would be really grateful if you'd consider supporting it. 50% of the money will go to Hidden Compass to support more great journalism; the other 50% will come to me, the writer.
Also, I know that times are tough, so if you can't support it financially, please share the article amongst your loved ones so that we can keep challenging perceptions that insects are not food.
Thank you for all your support – with this newsletter, in person and online.
In Other News
Graphic Story
My friend Jane who is currently on a roadtrip in the US sent me this picture with the quote: “Look what I found in a roadstall, in the middle of nowhere!!” She bought a packet of sour cream and onion so I asked her what they were like. “Delicious!” she texted back. “I’ve had them with you before, but these ones were big!” The student has become the master 😊
In Other News
🍳 Better Origin’s BSF eggs have finally hit the shelves at supermarket chain Morrisons. (The Guardian)
🦗 BBC London News ran a segment on the FSA’s U-turn on the legality of insects.
🏆 Thrilled to see that Goterra won KPMG Tech Innovator 2022 for Australia a couple of weeks ago.
Test Corner is on holiday
I've not been cooking much lately but I hope to get my hands on some goodies from France whilst I’m here. I’ll report back!